Work Food
"Dog3" <dognospam@adjfkdla;not> wrote in message
> I was cleaning out my desk and file cabinets today. Right before I left,
> cleaned out my 'stash' drawer. All of this food has been in the drawer
> since last November. I had 10 packages of assorted flavors of Ramen
> noodles. A box of Instant Quaker Oatmeal(apples and cinnamon), a box of
> garlic melba toast (stale), Lays fat free chips (way too stale), an
> unopened bag of Snyders fat free pretzels, a can of tuna and an unopened
> package of starburst fruit chews. I can't always get away from my desk
> lunch, and I snack during the afternoon sometimes.
> What does everyone else have stashed away at work?
> Michael
Does Booze count?