Thread: Can openers
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Janet Bostwick Janet Bostwick is offline
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Default Can openers

On Thu, 21 Aug 2014 11:53:17 -0400, James Silverton
> wrote:

>On 8/21/2014 9:50 AM, graham wrote:
>> On 21/08/2014 7:06 AM, wrote:
>>> On Thu, 21 Aug 2014 07:58:28 +0100, Peter Percival
>>> > wrote:
>>>> My can openers of this kind:
>>>> stop working after a while.
>>>> My mum had a stab-and-lever type:
>>>> and, in particular, one like this:
>>>> And I would like to buy one. If anyone can recommend a particular make
>>>> and model I shall be most grateful. Buy-able by mail order would be
>>>> most convenient.
>>> I have had one like this, for so long I can't remember how long.

>> Get the side-opener type. They cut sideways through the ridge at the top
>> of the can so that you don't get any sharp edges.
>> Graham

>I've got an OXO side cutter too and have used it for at least two years.
>It does a good job on many differently shaped cans and its one defect is
>that it is not always easy to position for starting the cut.

Mine came with the instruction that the lever should be pointing to 5
to 12 when you place it on the can. Then begin turning. I have found
that to work every time.
Janet US