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Ophelia[_11_] Ophelia[_11_] is offline
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Default Cook something for me!

"Nancy Young" > wrote in message
> On 8/23/2014 12:50 PM, Ophelia wrote:
>> "Nancy Young" > wrote

>>> I worked for a time with a guy from India. He bragged that
>>> there, everyone had a maid!!

>> Huh no! Not everyone had maids. Certainly there were far more poor
>> people than any other

> Right? That's the point I was making to him. To his
> mind, his family and neighbors were everyone, the poor
> people didn't count.
>>> I would not be interested in having help around all the time.
>>> Once in a while, I wouldn't mind a professional spring
>>> cleaning but I can't really justify that.

>> I liked it better when I had a cleaner coming in twice a week. I hated
>> having all those people around constantly Not my choice I can tell
>> you.

> Really, I can't relax with people hanging around. If I hit the
> lottery for a billion dollars, I wouldn't buy a mansion because
> you have to have people cleaning it and taking care of it all the
> time.

Oh yes And they watch you all the time
