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Becca EmaNymton Becca EmaNymton is offline
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Posts: 536
Default Cook something for me!

On 8/22/2014 10:35 PM, barbie gee wrote:
> On Fri, 22 Aug 2014, Becca EmaNymton wrote:
>> On 8/22/2014 2:53 PM, jmcquown wrote:
>>> On 8/22/2014 11:20 AM, sf wrote:
>>>> On Fri, 22 Aug 2014 00:05:10 -0700, "Julie Bove"
>>>> > wrote:
>>>>> She doesn't do books of any kind unless she has to.
>>>> A cookbook with pictures could turn into something she has to use.
>>>> Otherwise she'll be watching a lot of Youtube when she wants to eat.
>>> I guess Julie expects her daughter to live with her forever. So she can
>>> pretty much order her mother to "cook something" without ever making an
>>> attempt to learn something for herself. No books. No practical
>>> learning of any kind. Mommy's there to do it for her.
>>> All I can say is I doubt daughter will stumble onto Prince Charming who
>>> cooks and will also put up with that Princess attitude.
>>> When I was a teenager, if I had *ever* *told* my mother "Cook something
>>> for me" [by the time I get home] she'd have said, DO IT YOURSELF. I
>>> didn't think of my mother as a servant.
>>> Jill

>> Not sure how my mother would have responded to that request, but
>> probably not very well. One thing she did, before she started
>> drinking, was cook, but we never placed orders.
>> We had a housekeeper, so I never saw my mother do laundry, iron
>> clothes, change the sheets, wash dishes or do housework. She was quite
>> spoiled. Us kids somehow learned how to do it when we grew up, though.
>> Mother never worked, but she kept herself busy being a social
>> butterfly. I still love her and miss her.

> how did she afford a housekeeper?
> I'd give my eye-teeth to have someone in once a week...

Barbie, most of the people around here had housekeepers, I think that
was common.

Our housekeeper was Bessie, after she retired, her granddaughter Ollie
Jean took her place. My sister (some of you have seen her on Facebook)
was afraid of Bessie, she mentioned this a year or two ago, and I have
no idea why she was afraid of her, she never clobbered us or anything.
She was strict, though. She was tall, skinny with long thin arms and legs.

Everybody knew everybody's housekeeper's names and there was a lot of
gossip about who was doing what. A neighbor had a cook named Rochester,
he wore a white, double-breasted chef's jacket and the white chef's hat.
He smoked great big cigars, inside the supermarket, you could follow him
by smell! He talked to the butcher's, quite a bit, about meat I assume.
He told the best jokes. They stopped allowing smoking in supermarkets.
