Thread: Papad
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koko koko is offline
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Default Papad

On Sat, 23 Aug 2014 10:40:48 -0600, Mayo > wrote:

>On 8/22/2014 10:26 PM, koko wrote:
>> On Fri, 22 Aug 2014 10:57:48 -0600, Mayo > wrote:
>>> On 8/21/2014 6:11 PM, koko wrote:
>>>> So yesterday I was at one of my most favorite places Specialty Produce
>>>> Among some of the goodies I picked up was a package of papad.
>>>> When I saw them, it reminded me of my trip to New Mexico back in 2007
>>>> to Christine Dabney's cookin' in Albuquerque.
>>>> On our way to ABQ we stayed the night in Lordsburg and that was my
>>>> first introduction to papad as this story tells. I was so happy to see
>>>> it as it brought back some great memories and I even know how to cook
>>>> it
>>>> koko
>>> Outstanding post!

>> Thank you so much.
>>> But I do think, if you're going to subject yourself to the comestibles
>>> at the Flying J

>> Lordsburg is far from a dining mecca, It doesn't offer much in the way
>> of dining pleasures. The Flying J was the safest option.

>Lol, it's a hot dry spot in a massive playa, but the views to the
>mountains to the north are special.

I actually liked the place. People couldn't believe that was our
destination, and not a place we happened to stop at while on the road.
>But...and this has been the case for a good while, the best place in
>town to dine is Kranberry's.
>It's basic road food, but the place is clean, well run, and consistent.

That's where we ate breakfast.


>>> a visit to see "The Thing" would be a mandatory penance.

>> If I ever get around to making a bucket list, trust me, this will be
>> right up there.

>I won't ruin it for you by telling you what the Thing is, or is
>purported to be.
>It is however, smaller than I anticipated.
>>> Oh btw, they have a superb kitschy gift shop and you only pay a buck to
>>> see their "museum"...

>> Dang, how could I pass that up. ;-)
>> koko

>I hear you, cheap stuff from aisle to aisle, who can resist?
>If you push on to Deming the Mexican at Si Senor is year in and year out
>the best in town and the Rancher's Grill is to be avoided, always.

I'll remember that for the next trip thx
