Thread: Papad
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koko koko is offline
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Default Papad

On Mon, 25 Aug 2014 19:40:07 -0600, Mayo > wrote:

>On 8/25/2014 4:07 PM, koko wrote:
>> On Mon, 25 Aug 2014 10:38:38 -0600, Mayo > wrote:
>>> On 8/24/2014 10:06 PM, koko wrote:
>>>> On Sun, 24 Aug 2014 14:27:17 -0600, Mayo > wrote:

>> Major snippage going on
>>>> Having lived in New Mexico, I know how to make my own ristas.
>>> Good show then!
>>> And I'll bet you can do the garlic version too.

>> No I haven't done that yet
>>>>>>>>> a visit to see "The Thing" would be a mandatory penance.
>>>>>>>> If I ever get around to making a bucket list, trust me, this will be
>>>>>>>> right up there.
>>>>>>> I won't ruin it for you by telling you what the Thing is, or is
>>>>>>> purported to be.
>>>>>>> It is however, smaller than I anticipated.
>>>>>>>>> Oh btw, they have a superb kitschy gift shop and you only pay a buck to
>>>>>>>>> see their "museum"...
>>>>>>>> Dang, how could I pass that up. ;-)
>>>>>>>> koko
>>>>>>> I hear you, cheap stuff from aisle to aisle, who can resist?
>>>>>>> If you push on to Deming the Mexican at Si Senor is year in and year out
>>>>>>> the best in town and the Rancher's Grill is to be avoided, always.
>>>>>> I'll remember that for the next trip thx
>>>>>> koko
>>>>> No problem.
>>>>> I also will give a huge thumbs up to the El Camino Real restaurant on
>>>>> the west side of town, next to the old Arbys.
>>>>> Their stuffed sopaipillas are to die for, as too the gorditas, and the
>>>>> salsa is the best in town.
>>>> I still make killer sopapillas.
>>>> koko
>>> I have no doubt, do you like to stuff them with shredded beef?
>>> Served enchilada style with green chile and cheese those are divine.
>>> Then they're right back for desert with honey and cinnamom sugar too!

>> I don't serve then enchilada style, I probably should sometime. I like
>> my flat enchiladas, topped with the requisite fried egg of course.

>Very traditional - bravo.
>> I do eat the sopapillas with stew or chili and stuff the sopapilla
>> with some of it though, really, really, good.
>> koko

>I consider the stuffed sopaipilla to be superior to the over-fried
>chimichanga in every respect, pillowy, not tough.

I've had a chimichanga only once, and that was enough.
