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Default Penzeys: What's the hype all about???

Jack Schidt® wrote:
> "Melba's Jammin'" > wrote in message
> ...
>>In article . net>,
>>"Gregory Morrow" > wrote:
>>>Fer CRYIN' OUT LOUD....always ALWAYS peel those stawks of celery,
>>> won't have to put up with those gross rib strings hangin'

> out
>>>yer mouth and gettin' in yer teeth....

>>I think that's silly. Margaret makes me peel the celery she serves
>>guests when I visit. I think it's silly.
>>>'Tis easy...just use a vegateble peeler on the sounds

> tedious
>>>but after awhiles you'll get the hang of it and it'll go quickly....

>>Feh. I use a paring knife when Margaret makes me peel the celery she
>>serves guests when I visit. I think it's silly.
>>-Barb, <> An update on 7/22/04.

> Celery raw develops the jaw; celery stewed is more easily chewed.
> Jack Longfellow

Ain't that more the style of Ogden Nash?

Best regards,