"Sqwertz" > wrote in message
> On Wed, 27 Aug 2014 12:44:28 -0700, Paul M. Cook wrote:
>> "Sqwertz" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> On Wed, 27 Aug 2014 12:04:38 -0700, Paul M. Cook wrote:
>>>> In and Out uses only fresh meat and whole cuts. They buy from only
>>>> certifed
>>>> ranches and no restaurant can be more than a 12 hour truck drive from
>>>> their
>>>> meat packing plants. Nothing is ever frozen. That is one reason they
>>>> are
>>>> not nationwide.
>>>> It's all about the freshest ingredients. Even the tomatoes are vine
>>>> ripe
>>>> and shipped in straight from the fields to the restaurants.
>>> Distribution centers distribute the meat, produce, and and everything
>>> else (including the tomatoes), which are no more than a "day's drive"
>>> (not 12 hours) to the restaurants.
>> A day is twelve hours.
> Maybe on your planet, but here on Earth a day is 24 hours.
When is night?
>> A day's drive is 12 hours. Hint: they have relief
>> drivers. Call the Teamsters and ask. Tell them Guido sent you.
> Exactly. Allowing them to drive a full 24 hour DAY. What's your
> point - that I was right?
No, a 12 hour day which is what I wrote. No more than 12 hours, I wrote
which means they can drive in the evening, too. That would be 12
consecutive hours, not 3 hours, a 2 hour nap, then 2 hours etc. Just to be
clear. I can draw pictures if that helps.
>>>> Also, they season their grills unlike other places which scrape them
>>>> down
>>>> with a grill brick every day. That adds a lot to the flavor.
>>> Restaurant health codes require that grills and griddles be kept
>>> clean. Gunk buildup is not tolerated nor allowed.
>> They are clean. Gunk and seasoned are not the same. InO has always
>> gotten
>> A ratings.
> Gunk is gunk. The grills have to be cleaned of gunk. It's ludicrious
> of you to suggest that their griddles are seasoned like the cast iron
> we use at home. You're an idiot.
You've never seen a seasoned grill. They are clean. I used to be a short
order cook and we maintained out flattop in a seasoned state. You clean it
by dumping ice on the hot surface, scraping it down then lightly washing it
with a brush. Clean enough to eat off of. But not bricked down to a
polished finish.
> Go ahead, say something else stupid. I know you can!
Nobody can top you, squishie.
> ObFood: I'm in the process of making pork and lamb rillettes I just
> got done shredding and the meat mixture is awesome. Now I just have
> to mix some fat and broth back in and pot it.
What's off topic about this?
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