Thread: Grated parmesan
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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default Grated parmesan

"DavidW" > wrote in message
> Sqwertz wrote:
>> On Wed, 27 Aug 2014 21:18:23 +1000, DavidW wrote:
>>> Okay, so I got myself a plane grater, something roughly like this:
>>> I grated some Zanetti Reggiano with it. It works okay. It produces
>>> short, tiny filaments rather than grains. Not ideal, but better than
>>> talcum powder from the deli. It takes 4-5 minutes' grating per serve
>>> (about 20g), which is too long really. I'm accustomed to throwing
>>> boiled pasta in a bowl, adding some heated-up sauce and sprinkling
>>> cheese over the top. Very quick and easy (not counting making the
>>> sauce, which takes hours but is 7-10 serves and is all done in one
>>> hit and doesn't require much elbow grease). Now grating the cheese
>>> requires three times the work of the rest of the meal, which is out
>>> of proportion. One of the more complicated hand devices suggested or
>>> a machine attachment looks more attractive.

>> You either use too much cheese

> I gave the weight.

You did but I've never weighed my food so I have no clue how much that would
>> are have a really bad sense of time.
>> or you just like to exaggerate for attention, Bove-Style.

> I timed it.

But you are doing something wrong or you got a bad grater.