Penzeys: What's the hype all about???
"Nexis" > wrote in message
> "Jack Schidt®" > wrote in message
> m...
> >
> > > I was just thinking about the celery when I was reading Sheldon's post
> on
> > > the peppers. I like to give the celery a whir in the spice grinder
> > > too...that way I can get it in more dishes without my daughter
> I
> > > get the flavor without the "yuck I hate celery".
> > >
> > > kimberly
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> > Penzey's features an excellent ground celery seed that I include in
> > rub I use. Gives it a nice earthy undertone and is really good with
> >
> > Jack Rubber
> >
> > PS Oh yeah, the point of my pointing out that point is that the ground
> > celery seed is less costly than the dehy celery.
> Thanks for the tip, I'll have to add it to my list. I love the flavor of
> dried celery. And the smell. I swear, every time I open the bag it smells
> like Thanksgiving to me. I always start craving dressing when I'm using
> Would you use the celery seed on a roast? Say, a standing rib roast? How
> much? Sounds yummy.
> kimberly
Kimberly, the Penzey's ground celery seed is a mite strong; I'd say a little
goes a long way. Off the top of my head, I'd say I use it on a ratio of 1
to 10 where 10 is all the rest of the ingredients. Even better, get the
stuff, take a nice whiff and see what you think.
I use it whenever I cook meat. I add a bit more for beef as I think there's
a nice yin/yang thang going on there. Just my dos pesos.
Jack Powder.