yay - I didn't cave.
On 8/30/2014 9:36 AM, Bryan-TGWWW wrote:
> On Friday, August 29, 2014 9:16:09 AM UTC-5, jmcquown wrote:
>> I, too, mainly use coupons for household products. Batteries for the
>> flashlight and TV remote come to mind.
> Why would anyone buy disposable batteries for a TV remote? Oh yeah,
> because they're a lazy-ass who likes to sit on their lazy ass in front
> of the TV. NiMH batteries last for hundreds of recharges, and the new
> low self discharge ones last for a long time. The only good reason to
> buy alkalines is for emergency flashlights.
>> Jill
> --Bryan
I get a couple of years out of a set of alkalines in the remote. I
don't want to have to recharge monthly to keep them working. Just plain
easier. I do use rechargeable in my cameras