Thread: HelloFresh?
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Kate Connally[_3_] Kate Connally[_3_] is offline
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Posts: 16
Default HelloFresh?

Anyone heard of this? I subscribed to Everyday with Rachel Ray and I got information about this with my last issue. There was a coupon for $40 off on my first purchase. After checking out their web site I decided to give it a try.
Each week you get all the ingredients and the recipes for 3 meals for 2 people each. You can choose when you want to receive the packages. You don't have to get them every week. I signed up for 1 week a month to start. That's really all I can afford anyway. The packages are $69/week.

You can choose from 5 recipes. My first package included a recipe for salmon and zucchini skewers with Israeli couscous. The skewers were supposed to be grilled but I did mine in the broiler. Another of the recipes was for baked chicken breast on a Caesar salad. The third recipe was for a meatball pizza.

As I mentioned absolutely everything is included except for oil for cooking.. And there is the recipe itself. Everything comes in a styrofoam box with frozen packs to keep everything cold. Can't wait to try the next one. I just worry that I won't be able to find 3 recipes without stuff I don't like in them. Well, I can always pass on that week if it happens. I just wish you could look at the recipes more than one week ahead so you could plan better.

Well, we'll see how it all works out over the next few month.
