OT Labor Day -- wasted?
On 2014-09-02 1:59 PM, sf wrote:
>> Change for the sake of change is rarely a form of progress, rather it's
>> a displacement activity which often enriches parties whose identity and
>> role in the churn is covert.
>> My .02c
> I've experienced plenty of that at work. A new boss comes in, so out
> with the old and in with the new. Never mind the new involves what
> amounts to time lost learning a new process that ultimately isn't any
> better than the old one. But it's the new boss's new way. Lots of
> motion that's going nowhere. Whoop tee doo.
We saw lots of that when I worked in the enforcement branch. It was a
grooming position for advancement in the ministry because of the wide
range of training involved, a stepping on the way to upper management.
As a result, we had new district supervisors ever few years. Most of
them had little or no experience in our job but they were good and
making numbers look like they meant something. Each new one came with a
new way of manipulating the numbers. By the time they were ready to
moved on we were back to doing the same thing we used to.