OT Labor Day -- wasted?
On Tue, 02 Sep 2014 13:23:06 -0600, Mayo > wrote:
> > The housekeeping staff can be and is often abused.
> Having watched a fair number of the programs "Hotel Impossible" and
> "Hotel Hell" I haven't seen much of that at all.
> I have seen rampant disinterest in room condition from clueless owners
> and a lack of training and standards.
I have known people who actually worked as hotel maids - mostly
through their children. There are official work rules and then
there's the over and above that they are expected to get done (up to
twice as many rooms as they are supposed to clean) in order to keep
their jobs - on top of that, they are part time and on call at the
drop of a hat. They have weak to non-existent English skills and are
usually single women with children. What can they do? Someone who
causes trouble will be fired. They are barely making it week to week
and don't have the luxury of being able to wait out an appeal process.
So, they keep their mouths shut and do what they are told because
there are other female workers with weak to non-existent language
skills waiting on the sidelines for an available job opening.
> > I would guess that
> > holds true in hotel kitchens too. Not so much at the front desk, but
> > you never know what they would expect you to do if the union wasn't
> > watching your back.
> I'm not in that industry, but whatever those expectations might be they
> certainly seem invisible to me as a guest.
Avoid cutting yourself when slicing vegetables by getting someone else to hold them.