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Mayo Mayo is offline
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Default OT Labor Day -- wasted?

On 9/2/2014 4:15 PM, Paul M. Cook wrote:
>>> A lie is a deliberate miscoinstruction of the truth in order to deceive.

>> Yes, I believe you deliberately misled regarding the UAWs role in GM's
>> failure.

> Wow, I didn't realize I was that good.

You mean that bad...

> I mean I am awesome but to be able
> to snooker a person who has the very copyright to the facts just amazes even
> me.

I couldn't say who you may have snookered, but I'm pleased to have
inoculated the thread with factual data.

>>> Just because you do not read the same material I do does not make me a
>>> liar.

>> How you choose to brainwash yourself is your own matter, what you do when
>> confronted with the actual facts is reprehensible.
>>> You argue like brain dead republicans.

>> And you natter and mislead like a bleeding heart lib.

> Not a bleeding heart.

So you claim...

> You have to earn my good graces.

I'd be a fool to value them as anything close to good.

> But a proud liberal
> and one who puts his money where his mouth is, you betcha.

Into the black hole of deficit spending?

> Anyway I have a business to run, you have a business to ruin.

Thankfully you're not mismanaging an automaker, so your contagion is