On 9/3/2014 5:08 PM, sf wrote:
> On Wed, 03 Sep 2014 13:25:30 -0500, Becca EmaNymton
> > wrote:
>> Our garbage collectors are here every Wednesday and Friday, unless it is
>> a holiday, they take every holiday off. If a holiday is on Wednesday,
>> then you do not see them until the next scheduled garbage day, which is
>> Friday. That works well for everyone.
> Garbage pickup twice a week? Wow! How much garbage do you generate?
Is it garbage pickup one day and recycling/compost on the other
> or what?
I have had garbage collected twice a week ever since I moved into my
house 30 years ago. This was standard then and the collection is on
Mondays and Thursdays except for four holidays. Very recently, the
garbage company has offered once a week collection at a reduced price.
Given the summer temperatures here, twice a week is very suitable. The
recyclers are under contract to the county and come once a week. If
there is a holiday, the collection day is displaced one day.
We contract individually for garbage collection with the very reliable
company that I use. It might be possible to use the county's contractors
but that would require a majority vote of the home owners association
and that, tho' proposed, has never been attained.
Jim Silverton (Potomac, MD)
Extraneous "not." in Reply To.