When you're picking out a red pepper, do you++
"sf" wrote:
> "Ophelia" wrote:
>> No. I was only saying I find fresh peppers addictive when I am slicing
>> them for a recipe. I wouldn't do it just otherwise.
I keep diced dehy peppers for when I need only a small quantity or for
the times I don't have any or what I have has spoiled... also since
they're already diced they are very handy for many cooked dishes.
> I rarely use bell peppers in any form, but I can't imagine a fully
> functioning kitchen without a bag of onions and at least one head of
> garlic.
Carrots and celery too... and I always have potatoes. I don't
normally keep bell peppers as a staple, I buy them as needed because
they don't have a long shelf life... I also grow my own but can't
count on the weather cooperating... dehys are very handy.