Disney food
On 2014-09-06 2:13 AM, jmcquown wrote:
> On 9/6/2014 12:08 AM, Dave Smith wrote:
>> On 2014-09-05 23:39, jmcquown wrote:
>>>>> people here bitching about food at amusement parks being nutritious or
>>>>> not. LOL!
>>>> Amusement park food and Fair food are glaring examples of why
>>>> Americans are so fat.
>>> I'm American, I don't go to fairs or amusement parks. Is that why I'm
>>> not fat?
>> To be fair Jill, there are a lot of very fit Americans. There are enough
>> Olympic medals that have gone to Americans to support that. I see lots
>> of very fit looking Americans. You can consider yourself lucky to be
>> thin and fit looking. However... you have to admit that a lot of your
>> countrymen have weight issues. We have our share of overweight and obese
>> people up here, but I have to tell you that when I cross the border I
>> see whole new dimensions of fat. Not everyone, not a majority, only a
>> small percentage, but they are way fatter than you see in other places.
> True enough. But to label all Americans as fat is simply wrong. I'm
> sure there are plenty of fat people in France or Italy, too. There
> certainly were fat Thai and Chinese people in Bangkok.
I don't label Americans as fat. Having been to France several times, I
don't think you can say they have the same obesity issues as Americans.
In fact, I get annoyed when I hear NA women whinging about fashions
catering to women are unhealthily thin. Paris is a major fashion center
and from my observations, Parisians tend to be thin.
I agree that it is unfair to label all Americans as fat. While they may
tend to be larger than some Europeans it should be pointed out that a
lot of them are bigger because they are stronger and more fit. While
you may see more fat people in the US than in Europe, you will also see
a lot of very active, very fit people.