On Sat, 06 Sep 2014 09:52:39 -0500, Becca EmaNymton
> wrote:
> On 9/6/2014 9:25 AM, Sqwertz wrote:
> > On Fri, 05 Sep 2014 22:32:43 -0700, sf wrote:
> >
> >> Chicken tortilla soup.
> >>
> >> I took the picture with my phone camera (inside the kitchen) and for
> >> those who care, the white spots are not salt. They are just a
> >> reflection of overhead lighting that my phone's camera couldn't deal
> >> with. http://oi60.tinypic.com/346oos1.jpg
> >
> > I never understood the nasty trend of putting crispy tortilla chips
> > into soup so they can get soggy and slimy. Why not just take a
> > spoonful of soup and chase it with a crisp tortilla chip?
> >
> > And then we have migas <shiver>...
> >
> > -sw
> People have been putting crispy crunchy things in soup for many
> generations. I cut corn tortillas into strips, then I fry them. These
> stay firm until the last spoonful of soup, they do not fall apart or get
> soggy.
Part off what kept me from making tortilla soup for so many years was
my reluctance to fry up strips of tortillas for it and when I did, I
didn't like that they stayed crisp. I've embraced this version
because it's a perfect way to use up leftover chicken and stale
tortilla chips.
> I noticed they sell them in the supermarket, but they are way
> overpriced. If the price comes down I might try them.
I don't think it would be worthwhile to buy a bag just to make
tortilla soup, unless you were making soup for a crowd.
Avoid cutting yourself when slicing vegetables by getting someone else to hold them.