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sf[_9_] sf[_9_] is offline
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Default the widening food gap between poor and wealthy

On Sat, 06 Sep 2014 15:32:22 -0600, Mayo > wrote:

> On 9/6/2014 3:22 PM, sf wrote:
> > On Sat, 6 Sep 2014 21:20:54 +0100, "Ophelia"
> > > wrote:
> >
> >> was listening to a report about a city in USA which is nearly bankrupt.
> >> Many people have lost their jobs and are finding things so hard they cannot
> >> afford their water bills and their supply is being turned off I would
> >> like to think that they can find such generous folk as those here, so that
> >> at least their children can get breakfast!
> >>
> >> I can't remember the name, I think it began with a B.

> >
> > Detroit is a glaring example, but many cities are on the precipice.
> >
> >

> It was mentioned before, perhaps you recall the name of the California
> city with they absurdly high salaries for the city administrators?

Sorry, I don't. It's a very small "city" somewhere in the LA area.
Maybe this is it

went bankrupt, but the state didn't manipulate them into bankruptcy
and California didn't throw out the constitution by removing elected
officials from office and installing an emergency manager as a
dictator who does not answer directly to the local voters. See Benton
Harbor, Michigan.

is slowly climbing out of the financial mess it was in - a lot of the
improvement is due to gentrification. Families (and businesses) that
can't afford San Francisco and the peninsula locate over there.

The entire state of California was in a huge mess after the Enron
scandal and further mishandling of state finances by the Governator.
Thanks to belt tightening by Jerry Brown, the budget crisis is almost
over. Too bad California lost the Tesla battery "gigafactory" bid,
but he wasn't prepared to give away the farm by way of incentive
packages to gain unskilled labor jobs that pay basically minimum wage.
We don't need to support any more people at the poverty level.

Avoid cutting yourself when slicing vegetables by getting someone else to hold them.