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Mayo Mayo is offline
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Default the widening food gap between poor and wealthy

On 9/6/2014 9:35 PM, sf wrote:
> On Sat, 06 Sep 2014 20:16:20 -0600, Mayo > wrote:
>> On 9/6/2014 5:56 PM, sf wrote:
>>> On Sat, 06 Sep 2014 15:40:01 -0600, Mayo > wrote:
>>>> So it looks from the actuals that Republicans managed to craft a plan to
>>>> SAVE Detroit.
>>> BS. They aren't saving anything.

>> They sure are, needed and expected pensions will be paid.
>>>> And their newspaper agreed.
>>> Yeah, The Free Press is a (union hating) Gannett owned publication.
>>> Why am I not surprised.

>> They are?
>> I wonder why a Detroit paper would hate unions?
>> ;-)

> LOL! Because it's a Gannett publication, silly goose.

I have watched Gannet TV news and read USA Today and I find it to be
impartial, albeit the McNews moniker applies.

In a way that very brevity takes it back journalistically to just what
it should be 5 Ws and and H.

Yes they have op-ed, but it doesn't bleed into the reportage.