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dsi1[_15_] dsi1[_15_] is offline
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Default New Easy Crecent Dogs

On 9/7/2014 9:01 AM, Mayo wrote:
> The notion is so frightening, yet we never saw many VWs or Corvairs
> burning by the road, so I guess it was safe enough.
> I can just imagine what EPA and DOT would say about that today!

The air cooled VWs were famous for engine fires. The VW engineers at the
time were not interested in proper fuel line connections or using what
we call "clamps" on certain hoses and the fittings on the carbs tended
to leak. When I say "engine fires" I literally mean engine fires. The
alloy they used on the early ones would ignite and burn so hot it looked
like the sun was in the rear dripping hot drops of molten sunlight. It's
an awesome sight to see.