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dsi1[_15_] dsi1[_15_] is offline
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Default New Easy Crecent Dogs

On 9/7/2014 10:55 PM, Ophelia wrote:
> "dsi1" > wrote in message
> ...
>> On 9/7/2014 4:21 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
>>> When I was in Jr. High, we had a teacher who may well have been ***. In
>>> those days, nobody would admit to it openly, especially not a teacher.
>>> He also had one glass eye. For these two things alone, he was teased
>>> very badly by a lot of the male students and in those days it was
>>> tolerated.
>>> Worse still, he drove a Fiat. It was so lightweight that every day,
>>> some of the boys would pick it up and move it somewhere else. Sometimes
>>> into the middle of the street. Drove the teacher nuts. But the last
>>> straw came when they turned it upside down. Damage was actually done
>>> then and he did take action. Not long after, the poor man had a nervous
>>> breakdown.

>> I didn't know there was such a thing as *** people when I was going to
>> high school. When I got to college, my eyes were opened and I finally
>> got it. It suddenly hit me that a couple of my classmates were totally
>> flaming and it made sense when I was told by an authority figure to
>> stay away from "that piano player." As it goes, I was totally an
>> innocent.

> The raciest thing I ever heard of in our (convent) school was the day
> Sister M came in to announce that the reason one girl was off school,
> was because she had tried to dye her hair blond and it had gone green!
> That was a warning to us all

Here's to those days of innocence. :-)