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brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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Default What's the difference between Ravioli and Gyoza?

Michel Boucher wrote:

>Helpful person > wrote in
>>> However, one thing you will never see in a raviolo is cheese.

What's a "raviolo"... a *** potsticker?
I know that one thing you'll never find in the oriental version is

>>> and they are boiled, not deep fried like the potsticker
>>> family.

>> That's a bit picky, especially as you don't know how
>> potstickers are cooked. They are not deep fried, but pan
>> fried till they stick to the pan. Then they are released with
>> liquid, usually broth.

>However, some dumplings inthe potsticker family ARE deep fried. My
>comment stands.

Cooked either way is legal... like the difference between a spring
roll and an eggroll.