What's the difference between Ravioli and Gyoza?
On 2014-09-08 4:15 PM, Michel Boucher wrote:
> dsi1 > wrote in
> :
>> Thanks for clarification. I thought you were some kind of
>> spelling/style netcop since you brought up the matter of my
>> inadequate spelling/usage. You best get used to it. :-)
> I think it's important when people quote something that they make
> some effort to make sure it is correct. The Internet is there to
> help you find the correct term. There is no excuse for getting
> those things wrong.
> There have been a number of "foreign" recipe names and ingredients
> here which have been misspelled, all of which makes searching and
> identification practically pointless.
> And I do like punctuation, and I use it, but I don't insist others
> do unless it creates confusion, as in the famous case of Eats
> Shoots and Leaves / Eats, Shoots and Leaves. The second has
> completely different meaning from the first.
> Hint: One is a koala, the other is a gunslinger.
Hmmm... I had heard that one as eats bush and leaves.