"sf" > wrote in message
> On Tue, 9 Sep 2014 10:31:04 +0100, "Ophelia"
> > wrote:
>> I'm not keen but DH loves it so I grow it for him and it is Very Easy to
>> Grow lol If you like spinach you will probably like this.
> You're not alone. I've never developed a liking for kale. I might
> have a different opinion if I was into green smoothies, but I'm not.
> I prefer spinach or rainbow chard over kale as a side vegetable,
> although I do like kale chips.
>> I think the
>> Italian name for it is Cavolo nero so you might know it by that?
> Apparently it's called a lot of things: Tuscan kale, Tuscan cabbage,
> Italian kale, Dinosaur kale, cavolo nero (may be misspelled as cavalo
> nero), black kale, etc - I've eaten it and it's still kale to me.
Yep, I've never come across any kale that I have liked

) Still, if his
nibs likes it then who I am I to deny him
