Bread machine scarcity
On 9/9/2014 11:16 AM, Janet Bostwick wrote:
>> I DO use my regular oven when I want to make rolls or buns. I just wish I could break a load of dough into 6 equal amounts. : )) There's always a runt in the litter.
> I know, eyeballing it never works. You can always weigh the dough.
> The only time I do that is when I am making a couple of large loaves.
> I want them to bake evenly and in the same amount of time. I've found
> I just am no good at evenly dividing a huge blob of poofy dough
> without overworking it.
> Janet US
I'm not a great baker, but that I can do.
Try to get the dough into a regular shape, be it a loaf, rectangle,
square, whatever. Cut it in half. Now put the halves next to each
other and mark the top in thirds. Flip one around and see if the marks
line up close enough. If so, make the cuts.
You can get fancy with a ruler, but once you've eyed it a couple of
times it works with cutting a pork loin, pile of ground beef for
burgers, etc.