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notbob notbob is offline
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Default What's the difference between Ravioli and Gyoza?

On 2014-09-09, Sqwertz > wrote:

> Gyoza have been a staple in the freezer section of TJ's for over 20
> years.

So what? I probably thought it was Mexican (Goya).

Quite frankly, I learned early that TJs frozen processed foods suck,
big time! About the only thing I ever bought in their freezer section
was their cioppino (once astonishingly excellent) and their
cheesecake. All the rest of it was horrible, bordering on inedible.
Worst pizzas on the planet, Mexican food that would gag a starving
goat, sawdust Italian, cardboard Asian, etc. Sorry, but the only
thing that kept me returning to TJs was their 2$CHK and the cheese,
which unfortunately became steadily lower in quality as time passed.
By time TJs finally built a store in my emerging town, I'd pretty much
abandoned them as a source of food, all their foods being more food
curiosities than serious food basics.
