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Timo Timo is offline
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Default What's the difference between Ravioli and Gyoza?

On Wednesday, September 10, 2014 2:26:07 AM UTC+10, notbob wrote:
> On 2014-09-08, dsi1 > wrote:
> > This explains why a North American person would think that gyozas
> > are deep fried.

> I'm not sure you can explain how a "North American person" would even
> know what a gyoza is. I, for one, have never even heard the term and
> I love Japanese cooking. I usta buy em' all the time, and the
> Japanese guy who owned the place called 'em "Japanese potstickers",
> which is how I cooked them and they were the best "potstickers" I ever
> tasted.
> Some things some ppl in this thread obviously don't know:

Sure. "Gyoza" = "jiaozi", not "guotie" (it's a loanword from a Chinese language, and written in the same Chinese characters). Just as jiaozi can be pan-fried, boiled, steamed, deep-fried, so can gyoza.

Japanese and Korean-Japanese restaurants around here usually call them gyoza; lots of the Japanese menu items are transliterated rather than translated.