Scored some $2.29/lb skinless boneless chicken breasts!
On Tue, 09 Sep 2014 10:38:02 -0700, koko > wrote:
>On Tue, 09 Sep 2014 12:49:23 -0400, Brooklyn1
> wrote:
>>On Tue, 09 Sep 2014 00:02:47 -0700, sf > wrote:
>>>On Mon, 08 Sep 2014 21:13:59 -0600, Janet Bostwick
> wrote:
>>>> Yes. I always group individually wrapped items in 1 gallon or 2.5
>>>> gallon bags. Nothing gets overlooked that way. Plus, the extra bag
>>>> can be re-used many times.
>>>> Janet US
>>>You nailed it, Janet!
>>I don't buy that much of the same item to fill gallon bags... and then
>>as some are removed you have all those large partially empty floppy
>>plastic bags to deal with... before you know it your freezer is a pig
>>sty. I didn't know they make 2 1/2 gallon zip-locs... they'd be neat
>>trash bags. I get annoyed becaue I can't find 2 quart zip-locs, they
>>go from 1 qt to 1 gal, nothing inbetween.
>If you have an Ikea near you, they carry them
I don't know where the nearest is, never checked... maybe I can find
the 2 qt size on line.