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Creamed Corn
On 9/9/2014 3:37 PM, Brooklyn1 wrote:
> On Tue, 09 Sep 2014 13:33:12 -0600, Janet Bostwick
> > wrote:
>> On Tue, 09 Sep 2014 12:25:34 -0700, koko > wrote:
>>> On Tue, 09 Sep 2014 12:36:17 -0600, Janet Bostwick
>>> > wrote:
>>>> Today we pulled the corn stalks from the garden. As a result, I have
>>>> a bunch of runty cobs of corn (the bees and the wind didn't do a good
>>>> job pollinating)
>>>> I was going to try Fried Corn. I've seen it often on cooking shows
>>>> but as I looked at the recipes, none appealed to me. I checked out
>>>> Corn recipes at the Food Network and have decided on the Neeley's
>>>> Southern Creamed Corn.
>>>> Southern Creamed Corn
>>>> Recipe courtesy of Patrick and Gina Neely
>>>> Ingredients
>>>> " 8 ears corn, husked
>>>> " 2 tablespoons sugar
>>>> " 1 tablespoons all-purpose flour
>>>> " Salt and freshly ground black pepper
>>>> " 1 cup heavy cream
>>>> " 1/2 cup cold water
>>>> " 2 tablespoons bacon grease
>>>> " 1 tablespoons butter
>>>> Directions
>>>> In a large bowl, cut the tip off cob. Cut the kernels from cob with a
>>>> small paring knife. Using the back of the blade, scrape against the
>>>> cob to press out the milky liquid.
>>>> Whisk together sugar, flour, and salt and pepper, to taste. Combine
>>>> with corn. Add the heavy cream and water. Mix.
>>>> In a large skillet over medium heat, heat bacon grease. Add corn
>>>> mixture and turn heat down to medium-low, stirring until it becomes
>>>> creamy, about 30 minutes.
>>>> Add the butter right before serving.
>>>> This time of year with all garden produce finishing up, I have a
>>>> fridge full of veggies. Meal planning is not done around a protein
>>>> but rather which vegetable either takes the most room in the fridge or
>>>> which vegetable needs to go. Tonight's fare will be Tilapia, parsley
>>>> buttered potatoes, sour cream cucumbers and creamed corn. If I only
>>>> had some plums I'd make a plum kuchen for afters to have with ice
>>>> cream. The silly young people across the street moved into the house
>>>> with a lovely established garden and various fruit trees. Everything
>>>> just drops to the ground and goes to waste. Rats!
>>>> Janet US
>>> Here's something to do with the cobs. Don't think I'l throw another
>>> cob away before I make this.
>>> koko
>> I never heard of corn stock before. What a great idea. I will
>> already, in most cases, have a large pot of hot water from steaming
>> the corn. I'll just put the cobs in there. Thanks
>> Janet US
> Hmm, better do that deep in the woods out of sight of the revenooers.
> hehe
Kickapoo joy juice!