"Janet Bostwick" > wrote in message
> Today we pulled the corn stalks from the garden. As a result, I have
> a bunch of runty cobs of corn (the bees and the wind didn't do a good
> job pollinating)
> I was going to try Fried Corn. I've seen it often on cooking shows
> but as I looked at the recipes, none appealed to me. I checked out
> Corn recipes at the Food Network and have decided on the Neeley's
> Southern Creamed Corn.
> Southern Creamed Corn
> Recipe courtesy of Patrick and Gina Neely
> Ingredients
> " 8 ears corn, husked
> " 2 tablespoons sugar
> " 1 tablespoons all-purpose flour
> " Salt and freshly ground black pepper
> " 1 cup heavy cream
> " 1/2 cup cold water
> " 2 tablespoons bacon grease
> " 1 tablespoons butter
> Directions
> In a large bowl, cut the tip off cob. Cut the kernels from cob with a
> small paring knife. Using the back of the blade, scrape against the
> cob to press out the milky liquid.
> Whisk together sugar, flour, and salt and pepper, to taste. Combine
> with corn. Add the heavy cream and water. Mix.
> In a large skillet over medium heat, heat bacon grease. Add corn
> mixture and turn heat down to medium-low, stirring until it becomes
> creamy, about 30 minutes.
> Add the butter right before serving.
Sugar is the reason I always hated creamed corn. Until one Thanksgiving
when somebody brought some that was sugar free and I loved it. They don't
call it sweet corn for nothing. Sugar is just way over the top. This is a
savory dish.
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