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Mayo Mayo is offline
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Default the widening food gap between poor and wealthy

On 9/12/2014 6:49 PM, sf wrote:
> On Fri, 12 Sep 2014 17:44:13 -0600, Mayo > wrote:
>> On 9/12/2014 5:29 PM, wrote:
>>> On Fri, 12 Sep 2014 16:05:17 -0600, Mayo > wrote:
>>>> On 9/12/2014 12:47 PM,
>>>>> In my part of Canada we could boast that we have prevented
>>>>> them from starting in on fracking, we were being told it was okay
>>>>> because they are doing it all the time in the great USA. We didn't
>>>>> listen.
>>>> So what exactly has been the damage form fracking?
>>>> Any cites?
>>>> Do you know what a confined geologic stratum is?
>>> Yes I understand what fracking is, I understand that many have made a
>>> lot of bucks from it but I also understand that the ordinary joe who
>>> lives where fracking has taken place is left without clean water and
>>> far less than they had before.

>> The _only reason_ that might happen is if an unconfined stratum is fracked.
>> Is that your assertion?
>>> Lovely if you are the money maker,
>>> not so great if you just happened to live nearby.

>> What is your home to well pad spacing regulation?
>>> They will have to prove to me the land will be unharmed, or, that if
>>> it is, they will be financially responsible to those people.

>> And what would constitute proof of that?
>> Would you accept a geologic cross section map and details of casing and
>> chemicals injected?
>>> Now when you offer them that deal, for some reason, they are suddenly
>>> reluctant, that tells me everything.

>> So you say without presenting the slightest bit of proof.
>> Here's an example from the UK, which was opposed to any fracking, of
>> what you might wish to look at:
>> Fracking starts with a deep well (av. 8000ft) drilled into the shale
>> formation. The well is lined with a multilayer cement casing to help
>> prevent leaching and ground contamination. The casing is perforated
>> using carefully placed explosives. Large quantities of fracking fluid
>> (1-8 million gallons per well) is pumped into the shale at extremely
>> high pressures (9000 – 15000psi) in multiple stages.
>> The injection pressure forces the fracking fluid into the fissures and
>> the sand within the fluid props open the fissure and additional fluid is
>> injected to maintain the fissure formation. The well may be fractured in
>> stages dependent on environment and plugged/opened in stages as
>> required. Eventually the well is depressurised and the gas laden waste
>> fracking fluid is returned to the surface. The gas is then recovered and
>> separated from the waste fracking fluid.
>> The government announced in mid-December 2012 that exploratory fracking
>> for shale gas could resume in the UK, subject to new controls outlined
>> by Ed Davey, the Energy and Climate Change Secretary3;
>> A prior review before fracking begins must be carried out to assess
>> seismic risk and the existence of faults;
>> A fracking plan must be submitted to DECC showing how seismic risks will
>> be addressed;
>> Seismic monitoring must be carried out before, during and after fracking;
>> A new traffic light system to categorise seismic activity and direct
>> appropriate responses. A trigger mechanism will stop fracking operations
>> in certain conditions.
>> Since then Cuadrilla have wasted no time working closely with the
>> authorities and according to the BBC4 have already submitted a planning
>> application in December of 2012, to frack a well in Anna's Road site in
>> Westby.
>> The corporation was required to submit the management plan within 60
>> days prior to the commencement of its operations.
>> Within 30 days of the completion of fracking operations, the corporation
>> will be required to submit a list of additives and total water volumes
>> used in each well.
>> The Sahtu Land and Water Board introduced filing requirements for
>> companies fracking in the NWT, which call for companies to disclose the
>> chemicals they plan to use in fracking to the National Energy Board
>> either before or soon after they drill.

> Do you work for BP by any chance?


> You know how much they can be trusted.

As much as Exxon.