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Cheri[_3_] Cheri[_3_] is offline
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Default Stand mixers: If you own one, this thread is for YOU.

"sf" > wrote in message
> On Fri, 12 Sep 2014 16:40:52 -0700 (PDT), Kalmia
> > wrote:
>> In all honesty, how often do you use the thing?
>> And what is your most frequent operation with said mixer?
>> Seems all first time brides want one, but are they really going to use
>> it, or it just 'the thing' to ask for?

> Why do they ask for an Emile Henry pizza stone @$50 when they can get
> a 15" x 12" American Metalcraft STONE for $15? At least they aren't
> asking for a complete service for 12 of china, crystal and sterling
> flatware, like they did back in the "good old days". How much did
> they use those? Kids today saw how many times Mommy trotted out "the
> good stuff" and decided to be more practical. I'm okay with that.
>> I'm still using my cheapo Ham Beach handmixer- prob. get it out twice
>> yearly.

> Anything as heavy as a stand mixer needs to live on the counter. When
> I'm over at DD's, I dread dragging out her stand mixer and her FP. I
> don't even want to use the smaller units because they are all "put
> away" and basically a smaller part of a larger unit.

Yep, mine is always on the counter and ready to use, same with the food
