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Posts: 11,473
Default Stand mixers: If you own one, this thread is for YOU.

On Friday, September 12, 2014 11:51:57 PM UTC-5, Oregonian Haruspex wrote:
> Blend-Tec mixer blender combo - use it all the time. The mixer is
> really nice because you can get the whole thing clean. With a
> Kitchen-Aid or similar arrangement (with the mixer hanging off an
> apparatus / bar perpendicular to the axis of the mixing tools) you can
> never be sure the thing is absolutely clean, and stuff can come up, hit
> the top part, and drip back down.

You must be either filthy in the kitchen or overload the mixing bowl. I've never once had "stuff can come up, hit the top part, and drip back down." I've never even seen this happen in anyone's kitchen. Honestly, it sounds like you made that up just to plug your 'Blend-Tec mixer' or you work for this company.