Brooklyn1 wrote:
> "Pete C." wrote:
> >sf wrote:
> >>Opinicus wrote:
> >>
> >> > A new meaning has been added to "Ticket Restaurant".
> >> > "Should people pay for not turning up to a restaurant?
> >> > "No-shows for reservations are an age-old problem for restaurants. But
> >> > one restaurateur thinks he has cracked the problem by replacing
> >> > bookings with paid-for tickets, and he's bringing the system to the
> >> > UK."
> >> >
> >>
> >> No restaurant with that kind of system would get my business and I am
> >> not part of the no-show problem. They need to figure out something
> >> else, like holding the table for 10 minutes and seating walk-in
> >> customers if the reservation holder appears any later without calling
> >> the restaurant. In this day and age of cell phones everywhere,
> >> barring sudden hospitalization en route to dinner, there's no excuse
> >> for not calling that isn't lame.
> >
> >My doctor and optometrist are using automated appointment management
> >tools. They send text message reminders and when it's like an hour out
> >from the appointment time send another text message reminder which
> >allows you to reply and confirm you are still coming. This seems to work
> >pretty well, and doesn't relay on someone thinking to call.
> Can't compare MD appointments to restaurant reservations... MDs have
> all your true contact info including your insurance info. Most MDs
> post a notice of like a $25 fee for no shows, don't pay the fee no
> more appointments, no show twice and you won't get another appointment
> ever... plenty of people needing to see doctors, they don't need your
> business. Restaurants don't know most patrons from a hole in the
> ground, if you don't show within ten minutes *prior* of your time they
> will give your table to someone else, decent restaurants that do
> reservations don't need your business, then if you show up late you
> can wait a long time or go elsewhere... no one *needs* to go to a
> restaurant the same as they *need* to be seen by a doctor. If you're
> hungry there's always some drive-thru... no reservation needed... if
> you're late for your appointment at Sloan Kettering because you need
> radiation for prostate cancer WTF will you go, to Chick Filet?
Many restaurants that take reservations do want a contact number, so
they could certainly send a text message. As for 10 min early, hell no,
I arrive +/- 1 min from my reservation time and expect my party to be
seated within 2 or 3 min, not 10.