Thread: Work Food
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Default Work Food

Melba's Jammin' > wrote in

> In article > , Dog3
> <dognospam@adjfkdla;not> wrote:
>> Katra > tip tapped
>> :

> (snip)
>> > Pack your lunch the night before and stick in in the 'frige. :-)
>> > K.

>> I'll just leave the house without remembering it's there. I've done
>> it many times and about 90% of the time I forget to take the lunch
>> with me. Michael

> Oh, stop making excuses. Put a note on the back door - "Don't forget
> lunch, you fool!" If notes on the back door offend your
> sensibilities, stick your car key through it. You can do this.
> Unless, of course, you really don't want to.

Heh, all good ideas. Truth is, I don't really want to take lunch to work.
Our lunch time is very flexible...anytime you want to take it, and an
hour that flexes up to an hour and a half. I welcome getting out of the
office and into a restaurant for a while, to eat and relax and have non-
work or semi-work conversations, or to eat and run an errand. Most of
that is impossible unless you leave the building. Luckily, there are
scads of restaurants of many types within a 5-minute drive of the office.
Having said that, I still keep a large array of snacks in the filing
drawer of my desk, and have a very small electric cooler next to it. I
keep crackers, cheese, candy, cookies, bottled tea, etc. We also have a
vending area, but not much selection. Also a break room with
fridge/freezer, commercial coffeemaker, 2 micros, and 2 toaster-ovens.

Wayne in Phoenix

*If there's a nit to pick, some nitwit will pick it.
*A mind is a terrible thing to lose.