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Ed Pawlowski Ed Pawlowski is offline
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Default REC: Diva Q's ribs

On 9/16/2014 8:17 AM, sf wrote:
> On Mon, 15 Sep 2014 21:51:24 -0600, Mayo > wrote:
>> He's sort of right.
>> Wrapping or foiling a brisket with some slurry to finish is not braising
>> as the smoke has already done it's job on an open cut of beef.

> The youtube I watched didn't splash much on at all, it wasn't even
> close to a braise... more like humidifying.
>> Foiling allows the natural brisket juices to keep it moist and provides
>> a base sauce for re-hydrating it before serving.

> I figured the slurry would help do that plus add some flavor. What I
> saw wasn't fancy. They sprinkled a little unmodified apple juice over
> their rib rack before wrapping it in foil.


Welcome to the religious wars. You have the foilers, the anti foilers,
orthodox foilers. It is black and white and gray all over depending on
what side of the aisle you are on.

With a packer cut brisket you have a fair amount of fat to protect it
and I never use foil. Tried it, did not like the end result. With a
flat, I'd consider using some foil part of the time so as no to dry it
out. Too long a time in foil you get a steamed sort of taste/texture.

A fellow at work was telling me head the the best ribs ever when on
vacation. The last hour they were wrapped in foil with honey and butter.

With ribs, try making two racks. Wrap one, leave the other naked, then
make up your own mind.