Thread: Failed recipe
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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default Failed recipe

"Nancy2" > wrote in message
> In general, one has to lightly coat meat with flour before dipping it in
> liquid in order to make a coating or batter stick.
> This I believe is general cooking knowledge. The type of milk used would
> not have made a difference.
> I also don't know how a covered baked chicken dish would yield crispy
> chicken, because it would be steamed
> under a bunch of melted cheese. That would keep it moist, but the
> coating wouldn't end up crispy.
> It is a curious recipe, at best.
> N.

I've never done that. I have used egg though.

I used to make a Cheez It chicken that everyone loved. Not sure if it got
crispy or not. I tried to find the recipe online but could not. It was
from the Favorite Brand Name Cookbook. I do remember that it called for
marjoram and paprika among other seasonings. I well remember the marjoram
because I had to go buy it as my MIL had none in the house. Not only that,
but nobody who ate that dinner had even heard of it! I always assumed it
was a common herb.

I also remember learning after telling my little nieces and nephews to pound
the bags of crackers on the table that the table was in fact a glass topped
one! It was covered with a plastic tablecloth and a pad so I didn't know.

It did take a while to make this dish. You first dipped the chicken pieces
in the beaten egg. There may have been a little milk added to the egg.
Can't remember. Then in the seasoned crumbs. There may have been flour in
there too, can't remember.

Then the chicken was laid in a greased pan and put in the fridge for (I
think) at least an hour for the crumbs to set up on the chicken. I also
remember pouring an insane amount of melted butter over the chicken before
baking but I can't remember now if that was before or after the
refrigeration step.

Seeing as how I don't like chicken and especially not breaded chicken, I
never tried this dish myself so can't say if it got crispy or not. But
everyone I served it to loved it. I made it for my husband's extended
family, my family (before I was married) and also took it to many potlucks.
People were always pleased because it was baked and not fried but when I
tried to tell them of how much butter was in the dish, they didn't want to