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Ed Pawlowski Ed Pawlowski is offline
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Default REC: Diva Q's ribs

On 9/16/2014 3:11 PM, sf wrote:
> I'll probably end up with a flat, so I'll use foil the last hour. Do
> you use any liquid with beef? What's your view about cooking it the
> day before and reheating? I don't normally like leftovers, but that's
> a long cooking time and I'm not so sure I'll finish it at a reasonable
> hour.

With brisket there is enough fat that I'd not need other liquid.

Brisket reheats well. Given the size you will have some left. I prefer
to slice off what we are going to eat for the meal and microwave it for
a short time on medium power. Makes good sandwiches cold too.