Uses for ketchup?
On Wed, 17 Sep 2014 07:26:59 -0500, George Leppla
> wrote:
> On 9/16/2014 10:05 PM, sf wrote:
> > On Tue, 16 Sep 2014 16:43:29 -0500, George Leppla
> > > wrote:
> >
> >> Becca makes a Mexican style Shrimp Cocktail that probably has 37
> >> ingredients in it... but the main 2 are spicy tomato juice (like Snappy
> >> Tom, Spicy V8 or Mrs T's Bloody Mary mix) and ketchup.
> >>
> >> It is incredibly good.
> >>
> > I bet! If she does that, she probably makes a killer mole too.
> Becca is the best Mexican cook I have ever met but she has live in SE
> Texas or Louisiana for all of her life and started cooking very young.
> When we go to a Mexican restaurant I measure everything we order against
> what she can make at home and usually, hers is better.
With a cook like her in residence, I bet that makes eating out kind of
> Last week we were on a cruise and ate at the fancy-schmancy Mexican
> restaurant on the ship. I ordered short ribs mole and it tasted burnt.
> Nowhere near as good as Becca's. (On the other side of the table, Becca
> ordered a grilled Red Snapper that was really, really good and big
> enough for the two of us, so the meal wasn't a total waste.)
Too bad about the mole. Did Becca's snapper come with a Veracruz
sauce too? That would have been icing on the cake for me!
Avoid cutting yourself when slicing vegetables by getting someone else to hold them.