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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default Is anyone doing Christmas baking?

"sf" > wrote in message
> I just stumbled across this unusual recipe for fruitcake: it calls for
> cranberries and I like that idea! Even better, it calls for Fiori di
> Sicilia. I have two bottles (bought one and was given one - but I
> haven't made much of a dent in my "stash"), so it's nice to see a
> recipe that calls for it (optional ingredient). Best of all, it's a
> "golden" fruitcake that doesn't seem overly filled with "stuff". I
> like cake with fruit, not fruit with cake as mortar and will eliminate
> (or at least cut back) on the amount of dried fruit if I need to.

Not here. I might buy something small. We don't do much in the way of
desserts any more. As for fruitcake, I like the opposite of you. Fruit and
nuts is what I like. So much so that once in a while I will just buy some
candied orange or lemon peel. Doesn't work so well for me as it is very
high in carbs so the most I can do is a dice at a time. Just not quite the
same thing.