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Janet Wilder[_4_] Janet Wilder[_4_] is offline
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Default good day shopping

On 9/17/2014 8:33 PM, sf wrote:
> On Wed, 17 Sep 2014 17:28:10 -0600, Janet Bostwick
> > wrote:
>> On Wed, 17 Sep 2014 16:23:05 -0700, sf > wrote:
>>> Ophelia, the Italian deli had passata! I know I've seen those
>>> bottles, but passata (di pomodoro) is underneath Tomato Sauce so it
>>> didn't jump out at me - not that I would know what the word passata
>>> means, but I can guess because I know what di pomodoro is. It's not
>>> cheap either $4 for 500g/520ml), so unless it absolutely blows me away
>>> - it will be a one time purchase. I did find a recipe to make roasted
>>> tomato passata and will try that soon.
>>> Then I went to Costco and came away with a set of 2 Tramontina ProLine
>>> half size/sheet baking pans for $10.99. - DD is going to be very happy
>>> because she needs them for her "little-oven", but forgets to buy them
>>> when she's out shopping.
>>> My last stop was at Cash & Carry. Baby Back Ribs are on special for
>>> $2.88 and come 3 to a package. We're having people over this weekend,
>>> so I bought a package that was just shy of 9lbs. Happy, happy!

>> Oh, come on. . .you went to those three stores and that was all you
>> bought??? I think not.

> You're right, I did buy more - but the reality is that I truly am a
> restrained shopper. I dressed myself in new clothing for three
> weddings this summer and didn't break $200. My little BBQ was only
> one item on the August shopping spree bill. We bought patio furniture
> in a late summer sale and lucky us got another 20% off an already
> great price. We went back a couple of weeks later, saw that one of
> our purchases was another $100 less and they gave us the $100
> difference - PLUS the tax. It certainly pays to ask.
> Did I just make your heart skip a beat, dsi1? LOL
> How did that rate on your scale, "never paid retail" Janet W?

I'd say that rated pretty high. :-)

From somewhere very deep in the heart of Texas