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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default good day shopping

On 2014-09-18 12:10 PM, Julie Bove wrote:

> Whoever pointed it out to me must be in my KF then.

Too bad. That denies you so many opportunities to satisfy your
compulsive posting.

> Here, what we mean
> by BBQ is the use of an outdoor cooker that takes gas or charcoal. If
> that's not what it is, then what is it? And why is it called a BBQ?
> And that *is* what it is called.

I will agree with you there. There are some places in the US where BBQ
means something quite specific, basically hot smoked and most often
pork. In Canada, we buy BBQs, either charcoal/briquette or gas, and
cooking on those things is BBQing.