Is anyone doing Christmas baking?
On 2014-09-18 12:39 PM, Becca EmaNymton wrote:
> People make their fruitcakes in September, then they begin pouring on
> the liquor.
My mother used to get her dark fruitcake and Christmas pudding started
pretty early. She did the light fruitcake in early November, which is
when I do mine.
> I leave my fruitcake plain, I do not get mine drunk. ;-)
Pity. It really improves the cake. My mother did not drink, but she did
lace her Christmas cakes and pudding... and mincemeat.
> In October, I use to prepare the dough to bake a few different cookies,
> then freeze the dough until December. I have also frozen brownies, cakes
> and pies. In November we have Thanksgiving, then Christmas is right
> around the corner. If you work full time, and you have a big family, it
> is hard to squeeze everything in, but if you plan ahead, you can do it.
My mother did not "work outside of the home" but her Christmas baking
was always done way ahead of time and frozen.