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Pete C.[_2_] Pete C.[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 814
Default good day shopping

George Leppla wrote:
> On 9/19/2014 10:38 AM, Pete C. wrote:
> > Me mowing at a friends place on their NAA (which I helped them rebuild
> > when they got it):
> >

> Looks like a 1953 or '54 Jubilee model. This replaced the older 8N
> models. The Jubilee was made to celebrate Ford's 50th Anniversary.
> Lots of them (and the 8N's) still running.
> They were very popular. Cheap to buy and easy to maintain.
> George L

1955 NAA, largely the same as the Jubilee model. Not too difficult to do
a basic overhaul to get it running, bead blast and rebuild that lovely
Marvel carb, clean out fuel lines, retrofit a Delco 1 wire alternator
and a few other odds and ends on the engine. The 3pt lift hydraulics
needed new seals and gaskets, but that is pretty easy to get to. Not
sure on the cooling, it still seems to run a bit too hot, probably will
flush and clean the block and see if that clears things up. They also
got an old Deere gas backhoe which is quite similar, same Marvel carb,
too much the same work to get that going along with replacing the old
hydraulic hoses.