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Mayo Mayo is offline
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Default need some BBQ advice

On 9/19/2014 7:17 PM, sf wrote:
> On Fri, 19 Sep 2014 18:50:36 -0600, Mayo > wrote:
>> On 9/19/2014 6:41 PM, sf wrote:
>>> I'm getting ready for Sunday - not sure where I'll be or what I'll be
>>> doing tomorrow, so I'm precooking the ribs tonight. My tiny off-set
>>> (smoker) BBQ is made for two people: only one rack of ribs fits over
>>> the drip pan, even if they are cut in half (I was hoping I'd be able
>>> to get 3 halves on without overhanging, but that didn't work out).
>>> They are happily smoke bathing at around 225° at the moment. I will
>>> take each rack out at 2.5 hours and wrap it in foil to finish in the
>>> oven, but now I'm wondering if I should cook them fully or leave them
>>> slightly under cooked so they can finish cooking when they are
>>> re-warmed? Your thoughts?
>>> Thanks to all!

>> Two suggestions:
>> 1.) Ribs will smoke very nicely in a vertical rib rack.

> Thanks! I was looking at racks online this morning but BBQ season is
> over, so it's too late to be able to scoot down to HD to pick one up,
> but I will get one for sure.

It's the actual one I use, I do recommend spraying it with cooking oil
before loading, but the coating they have on it is nicely non stick and
durable several years in.

>> 2.) Cook the ribs until done for food safety - 195F, on reheat do not
>> let them exceed that temp and keep foiled and moist.

> Thanks for the advice. Much appreciated.

You get it with an effortless ease, smoke on!
