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Steve Freides[_2_] Steve Freides[_2_] is offline
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Default New refrigerator

Cheri wrote:
> "George Leppla" > wrote in message
> ...
>> On 9/22/2014 10:51 AM, sf wrote:
>>> On Mon, 22 Sep 2014 08:03:51 -0400, "Steve Freides" >
>>> wrote:
>>>> Use it in good health. I wish we had space for something like
>>>> that but we've got counters and cabintes on both sides and above,
>>>> and we only can fit a small one.
>>> They are made for 30 inch openings now! Not sure if they are
>>> counter depth or what.

>> This unit is 36" wide, almost 70 " tall and 35 inches deep... but it
>> is 28.5 cubic ft capacity. This is a monster and way bigger than
>> most
>> people would need unless they have a big family.
>> They also make a 26" counter depth unit and we looked at that. I
>> think it was 21 Cubic ft. We could have lived with that, but the way
>> we buy, the bigger model was a better choice.... even if it does
>> stick out. Side by side, the smaller one really looked too small.
>> George L

> I'd sooner have a bigger one like you bought than a smaller one. My
> MIL had a small one and it was just a pain to jockey for space. I
> could easily live with it sticking out.
> Cheri

I think ours is 21 cubic feet. Old house, small kitchen, small
refrigerator nook.

OTOH, I must observe that, now that we try to eat better, we don't have
as much in our refrigerator or freezer. The 'fridge here contains a lot
of leftovers, sometimes things we cook in big batches on purpose, e.g.,
we usually buy sausage 3 lbs. at a time because they give you a $2/lb
break on the price at the local WF if you do that. But especially my
freezer doesn't have a whole lot in it these days.
