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Steve Freides[_2_] Steve Freides[_2_] is offline
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Default New refrigerator

dsi1 wrote:
> We bought a refrigerator with a lot of space that fit into an
> standard 31" width space. Super idea! When we put it in, we found out
> that our dishwasher door hit the door and would not open all the way.
> Oopsie. So that's how they get that extra room in there. :-)

We have a similar thing with our stove. In our old, smalll, kitchen,
the space for the stove is also small, and when our stove died, we got
what we thought was the right size replacement, but we have to open the
oven door to get to the contents of one of the drawers now - not great
but we live with it and just don't keep anything we need very often in
