food companies selling fewer calories
On 2014-09-24 5:32 PM, tert in seattle wrote:
> Sqwertz wrote:
>> On Tue, 23 Sep 2014 16:58:41 +0000 (UTC), tert in seattle wrote:
>>> barbie gee wrote:
>>>> I'll bet they used the Amazing Supermarket Shrink Ray to accomplish this,
>>>> all the while charging the same price, and selling less "calories".
>>>> Smoke and mirrors.
>>>> I'm finding boxes of pasta that are not 16 oz anymore, and remember when
>>>> yogurts came in a full 8oz cup?
>>> I remember when candy bars were a quarter, and they were bigger then too
>> Most major "standard size" candy bars are bigger than they were in the
>> 50's and 60's. Even through most of the 80's. After the 80's they
>> started to shrink again, but they are still generally bigger than
>> their 60's and 70's counterparts.
>> -sw
> no, they were definitely bigger then
> relatively speaking
I might be the old fart in the crowd, but I remember back in the 50s we
had 5 cent and ten cent chocolate bars. A small number of them, mostly
plain chocolate or with nuts and/or raisins also came in a 24 cent size,
which were huge. The old 5 cent size is long gone, and many of the bars
that are now commonly available seem to be about the old 10 cent size,
but a lot more expensive.
I rarely by small chocolate bars, but about once a month I buy a large
bar of dark chocolate and I have a square or two once in a while and a
bar lasts a month or two.